ID 5640230
User Павлюк Роман Сергеевич
Time 22:07<< 02.11.2021 22:08 (13 d. 20:09) 22:09>>
Processing 22:08 ... 22:08 (6,74 sec.)
File 5640230.cpp (CLang++ 5.0.0 + Address Sanitizer)
Contest 2 курс. Программирование на C++. Турнир 2, осень 2021
Problem B: Фабрика
Limits Time: 1s Memory: 4096Mb
Status  [?]
LI Source check error
source | results
factory.h:34:  Redundant blank line at the start of a code block should be deleted.  [whitespace/blank_line] [2]
factory.h:42:  Missing space around colon in range-based for loop  [whitespace/forcolon] [2]
factory.h:55:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
factory.h:57:  Add #include <vector> for vector<>  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]
Done processing factory.h
Total errors found: 4
[print | |
(1 315 b)
0.138s 0.012s 10