ID 5776327
Пользователь Морозов Игнат Владимирович
Время 07:36<< 15.11.2021 07:38 (26 д. 05:39) 07:39>>
Обработка 07:38 ... 07:38 (2,98 сек.)
Файл 5776327.cpp (CLang++ 5.0.0 + Address Sanitizer)
Турнир 2 курс. Программирование на C++. Турнир 2, осень 2021
Задача C: Smart Pointer
Набор тестов
Ограничения Время: 25с Память: 512Мб
Состояние  [?]
LI Ошибка проверки исходного кода
код | результаты
SmartPointer.hpp:10:  Do not use namespace using-directives.  Use using-declarations instead.  [build/namespaces] [5]
SmartPointer.hpp:12:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:34:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:58:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:72:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:79:  Closing ) should be moved to the previous line  [whitespace/parens] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:94:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:99:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:119:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:137:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:144:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:152:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:160:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:169:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:183:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:218:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:238:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:247:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:297:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:302:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:308:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:313:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:319:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:324:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:326:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:330:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:331:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:335:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:336:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:340:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:342:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:347:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:352:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:358:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:363:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:369:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:374:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:376:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:380:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:381:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:385:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:386:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:390:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:392:  Lines should be <= 80 characters long  [whitespace/line_length] [2]
SmartPointer.hpp:78:  Add #include <limits> for numeric_limits<>  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]
SmartPointer.hpp:95:  Add #include <string> for string  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]
SmartPointer.hpp:187:  Add #include <utility> for move  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]
SmartPointer.hpp:419:  Could not find a newline character at the end of the file.  [whitespace/ending_newline] [5]
Done processing SmartPointer.hpp
Total errors found: 48
0.033s 0.010s 9