ID 5423328
Пользователь Пиляй Николай Владимирович
Время 16:09<< 30.09.2021 20:31 (15 д. 11:05) 20:32>>
Обработка 20:31 ... 20:31 (2,07 сек.)
Файл 5423328.cpp (CLang++ 5.0.0 + Address Sanitizer)
Турнир 2 курс. Программирование на C++. Турнир 1, осень 2021
Задача E: Date
Набор тестов
Ограничения Время: 1с Память: 512Мб
Состояние  [?]
LI Ошибка проверки исходного кода
код | результаты
date.h:6:  Found C system header after C++ system header. Should be: date.h, c system, c++ system, other.  [build/include_order] [4]
date.h:7:  Found C system header after C++ system header. Should be: date.h, c system, c++ system, other.  [build/include_order] [4]
date.h:17:  public: should be indented +1 space inside class Date  [whitespace/indent] [3]
date.h:18:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:20:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:21:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:22:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:23:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:24:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:26:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:27:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:28:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:29:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:30:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:32:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:33:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:34:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:35:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:36:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:37:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:38:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:40:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:41:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:42:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:43:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:44:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:45:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:46:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:47:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:48:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:49:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:50:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:51:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:52:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:53:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:54:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:55:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:56:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:57:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:58:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:59:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:61:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:62:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:63:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:64:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:65:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:66:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:68:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:69:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:70:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:71:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:72:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:73:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
date.h:74:  Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]
Done processing date.h
Total errors found: 54
[печатать | |
(2 066 b)
0.054s 0.009s 10