Problem M. Minimal XOR Tree

Author:A. Usmanov   Time limit:1 sec
Input file:Standard input   Memory limit:256 Mb
Output file:Standard output  


Petya has N vertices. He wants to connect them with edges to form a tree. Recall that a tree is a connected graph of N vertices and N − 1 edges.

When connecting the next pair of vertices, Petya calculates the curvature of the connection as xor(sizea, sizeb), where sizea, sizeb are the sizes of the subtrees being connected.

The curvature of a tree is the sum of the curvatures of all connections to construct this tree. Petya wants to minimize the curvature of the tree.


The xor operation is a bitwise operation that results in one bits being in those digits that had different values.

A B xor(A, B)
12 02 12
12 12 02
101012 110102 11112

Input format

The first line of input data contains an integer N — the number of nodes in the tree.

Output format

In a single line, print an integer — the minimum possible curvature of the tree.


1 ≤ N ≤ 109

Notes on samples

In the first example, only single vertices can be connected at first. The curvature of such a connection is xor(1, 1) = 0.

After this, two subtrees of 2 and 1 vertices can be connected. The curvature of such a connection is xor(2, 1) = 3.

The total curvature is equal to 3.

Sample tests

No. Standard input Standard output

0.083s 0.011s 13