ИМКТ 2024 Входное тестирование / std.check.src.error.hpp

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std.check.src.error.hpp: src/error.hpp

  \file error.hpp
  \brief Header file which declares exception types and
  defines error handling code used in the library.

#include "global.hpp"
#include "formatter.hpp"

namespace Check

  \ingroup error
  \relates CheckError

  Replacement for the standard terminating function. If any exception based on
  CheckError was thrown, this function terminates program with error message
  and testing outcome stored in exception object.

  \warning Replacing of the terminating function in client program may cause
  an undefined behaviour and mess up exception handling process inside the
void terminateLibrary();

  \ingroup error

  Throws an exception of type \a Exception with message formatted using printf
  syntax \a format string and outcome \a result. If exception does not caught
  program will terminate with \a result testing outcome.

  \throws Exception

  \see incite() and raiseUnless()
void raise(const Decision result, const char *format, ...);

  \ingroup error

  Works in the same way as raise() only if \a cond is false;
  otherwise does nothing.

  \throws Exception

  \see raise() and inciteUnless()
void raiseUnless(
  const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *format, ...);

  \ingroup error

  Throws an exception of type \a Exception with message formatted using printf
  syntax \a format string and outcome \a result. If exception does not caught
  program will terminate with \a result testing outcome.

  Argument \a message is not mandatory, if message is empty a default one used.

  \throws Exception

  \see raise() and inciteUnless()
inline void incite(
  const Decision result = UnhandledError, const char *message = NULL);

  \ingroup error

  Works in the same way as incite() only if \a cond is false;
  otherwise does nothing.

  \throws Exception

  \see incite() and raiseUnless()
inline void inciteUnless(
  const bool cond, const Decision result = UnhandledError,
  const char *message = NULL);

  \ingroup error

  This is an overloaded function, provided for convenience.

  Exactly alike incite(const Decision, const char *)
  except type of \a message parameter.

  \throws Exception

  \see raise() and inciteUnless()
inline void incite(const Decision result, const std::string &message)
{ incite(result, message.c_str()); }

  \ingroup error

  This is an overloaded function, provided for convenience.

  Exactly alike inciteUnless(const bool, const Decision, const char *)
  except type of \a message parameter.

  \throws Exception

  \see incite() and raiseUnless()
inline void inciteUnless(
  const bool cond, const Decision result, const std::string &message)
{ inciteUnless(cond, result, message.c_str()); }

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %CheckError class is the base class for all exceptions used inside
  the library.

  This class stores testing outcome and message printed before program
  termination if exception will not be caught.
class CheckError
  //! Pointer to the last exception thrown inside the library.
  static const CheckError *lastError;

  //! Testing outcome associated with this instance of exception.
  const Decision result;

  //! Error message associated with this instance of exception.
  const std::string text;

    Constructs an exception with testing outcome \a decision and error string
    \a message.
  explicit CheckError(
    const Decision decision, const char *message = NULL) throw()
    : result(decision), text(message != NULL ? message : "")
  { lastError = this; }

    This is an overloaded constructor, provided for convenience.

    Constructs an exception with testing outcome \a decision and error string
    \a message.
  CheckError(const Decision decision, const std::string &message) throw()
    : result(decision), text(message)
  { lastError = this; }

  //! Constructs a copy of \a error.
  CheckError(const CheckError &error)
    : result(error.result), text(error.text)
  { lastError = this; }

  //! Pure virtual destructor.
  virtual ~CheckError() throw() { /* Do Nothing */ }

    Returns decision associated with currect instance of exception.

    \see Decision and message()
  virtual Decision decision() const throw() { return result; }

    Returns a \c std::string object containing message associated with currect
    instance of exception.

    \see decision()
  virtual const std::string &message() const throw() { return text; }

  friend void terminateLibrary();
  friend void raise(const Decision result, const char *format, ...);
  friend void raiseUnless(
    const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *format, ...);
  friend inline void incite(const Decision result, const char *message);
  friend inline void inciteUnless(
    const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *message);

  Declares simple exception class \a TYPE derived from \a BASE with default
  message \a MESSAGE.
  class TYPE : public BASE \
  { \
  protected: \
    /*! \cond */ \
    explicit TYPE( \
      const Decision decision, const char *message = MESSAGE) throw() \
      : BASE(decision, message) \
    { } \
    TYPE(const Decision decision, const std::string &message) throw() \
      : BASE(decision, message) \
    { } \
    template  \
    friend void raise(const Decision result, const char *format, ...); \
    template  \
    friend void raiseUnless( \
      const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *format, ...); \
    template  \
    friend inline void incite(const Decision result, const char *message); \
    template  \
    friend inline void inciteUnless( \
      const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *message); \
    /*! \endcond */ \

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %TestError class is used to report errors occurred during
  check process in client programs, not inside library.

  \note Does not used inside the library.

  \see InternalError and FormatError

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %InternalError class is used to report various fatal errors
  occurred inside the library which is not test-related.

  \see InternalError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(InternalError, CheckError, NULL);

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %MemoryError class is used to report specific fatal errors related
  to memory management of the library.

  \see InternalError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(MemoryError, InternalError, "Out of memory");

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %FormatError class is used to report various errors related to data

  \see TestError and InternalError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(FormatError, CheckError, NULL);

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %WhitespaceError class is used to report error occurred when
  unexpected whitespace symbols are found.

  \see FormatError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(WhitespaceError, FormatError, "Unexpected whitespace");

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %EndOfFileError class is used to report error occurred when
  unexpected end of file is found.

  \see FormatError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(EndOfFileError, FormatError, "Unexpected end of file");

  \ingroup error

  \brief The %UnhopedDataError class is used to report error occurred when
  data itself or its formatting are unexpected.

  \see FormatError
CHECK_DECLARE_ERROR(UnhopedDataError, FormatError, "Unexpected data");


void raise(const Decision result, const char *format, ...)
  va_list argList;
  va_start(argList, format);
  throw Exception(result, formatArgs(format, argList));

void raiseUnless(
  const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *format, ...)
  if (!cond)
    va_list argList;
    va_start(argList, format);
    throw Exception(result, formatArgs(format, argList));

void incite(const Decision result, const char *message)
  throw Exception(result, message);

void inciteUnless(const bool cond, const Decision result, const char *message)
  if (!cond)
    throw Exception(result, message);


#endif /* CHECK_ERROR_HPP */
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