std.generator.testlib.h.last: testlib.h
* It is strictly recommended to include "testlib.h" before any other include
* in your code. In this case testlib overrides compiler specific "random()".
* If you can't compile your code and compiler outputs something about
* ambiguous call of "random_shuffle", "rand" or "srand" it means that
* you shouldn't use them. Use "shuffle", and "" instead of them
* because these calls produce stable result for any C++ compiler. Read
* sample generator sources for clarification.
* Please read the documentation for class "random_t" and use "rnd" instance in
* generators. Probably, these sample calls will be usefull for you:
*;;, 2);
* Also read about wnext() to generate off-center random distribution.
* See to get latest version or bug tracker.
#ifndef _TESTLIB_H_
#define _TESTLIB_H_
* Copyright (c) 2005-2020
#define VERSION "0.9.34-SNAPSHOT"
* Mike Mirzayanov
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
/* NOTE: This file contains testlib library for C++.
* Check, using testlib running format:
* check.exe
[ [-appes]],
* If result file is specified it will contain results.
* Validator, using testlib running format:
* validator.exe < input.txt,
* It will return non-zero exit code and writes message to standard output.
* Generator, using testlib running format:
* gen.exe [parameter-1] [parameter-2] [... paramerter-n]
* You can write generated test(s) into standard output or into the file(s).
* Interactor, using testlib running format:
* interactor.exe [ [ [-appes]]],
* Reads test from inf (mapped to args[1]), writes result to tout (mapped to argv[2],
* can be judged by checker later), reads program output from ouf (mapped to stdin),
* writes output to program via stdout (use cout, printf, etc).
const char *latestFeatures[] = {
"Fixed hypothetical UB in stringToDouble and stringToStrictDouble",
"rnd.partition(size, sum[, min_part=0]) returns random (unsorted) partition which is a representation of the given `sum` as a sum of `size` positive integers (or >=min_part if specified)",
"rnd.distinct(size, n) and rnd.distinct(size, from, to)",
"opt(\"some_missing_key\") returns false now",
"Abort validator on validator.testset()/ if registered without using command line",
"Print integer range violations in a human readable way like `violates the range [1, 10^9]`",
"Opts supported: use them like n = opt(\"n\"), in a command line you can use an exponential notation",
"Use setTestCase(i) or unsetTestCase() to support test cases (you can use it in any type of program: generator, interactor, validator or checker)",
"Fixed issue #87: readStrictDouble accepts \"-0.00\"",
"Fixed issue #83: added InStream::quitif(condition, ...)",
"Fixed issue #79: fixed missed guard against repeated header include",
"Fixed issue #80: fixed UB in case of huge quitf message",
"Fixed issue #84: added readXs(size, indexBase = 1)",
"Fixed stringstream repeated usage issue",
"Fixed compilation in g++ (for std=c++03)",
"Batch of println functions (support collections, iterator ranges)",
"Introduced rnd.perm(size, first = 0) to generate a `first`-indexed permutation",
"Allow any whitespace in readInts-like functions for non-validators",
"Ignore 4+ command line arguments ifdef EJUDGE",
"Speed up of vtos",
"Show line number in validators in case of incorrect format",
"Truncate huge checker/validator/interactor message",
"Fixed issue with readTokenTo of very long tokens, now aborts with _pe/_fail depending of a stream type",
"Introduced InStream::ensure/ensuref checking a condition, returns wa/fail depending of a stream type",
"Fixed compilation in VS 2015+",
"Introduced space-separated read functions: readWords/readTokens, multilines read functions: readStrings/readLines",
"Introduced space-separated read functions: readInts/readIntegers/readLongs/readUnsignedLongs/readDoubles/readReals/readStrictDoubles/readStrictReals",
"Introduced split/tokenize functions to separate string by given char",
"Introduced InStream::readUnsignedLong and InStream::readLong with unsigned long long paramerters",
"Supported --testOverviewLogFileName for validator: bounds hits + features",
"Fixed UB (sequence points) in random_t",
"POINTS_EXIT_CODE returned back to 7 (instead of 0)",
"Removed disable buffers for interactive problems, because it works unexpectedly in wine",
"InStream over string: constructor of InStream from base InStream to inherit policies and std::string",
"Added expectedButFound quit function, examples: expectedButFound(_wa, 10, 20), expectedButFound(_fail, ja, pa, \"[n=%d,m=%d]\", n, m)",
"Fixed incorrect interval parsing in patterns",
"Use registerGen(argc, argv, 1) to develop new generator, use registerGen(argc, argv, 0) to compile old generators (originally created for testlib under 0.8.7)",
"Introduced disableFinalizeGuard() to switch off finalization checkings",
"Use join() functions to format a range of items as a single string (separated by spaces or other separators)",
"Use -DENABLE_UNEXPECTED_EOF to enable special exit code (by default, 8) in case of unexpected eof. It is good idea to use it in interactors",
"Use -DUSE_RND_AS_BEFORE_087 to compile in compatibility mode with random behavior of versions before 0.8.7",
"Fixed bug with nan in stringToDouble",
"Fixed issue around overloads for size_t on x64",
"Added attribute 'points' to the XML output in case of result=_points",
"Exit codes can be customized via macros, e.g. -DPE_EXIT_CODE=14",
"Introduced InStream function readWordTo/readTokenTo/readStringTo/readLineTo for faster reading",
"Introduced global functions: format(), englishEnding(), upperCase(), lowerCase(), compress()",
"Manual buffer in InStreams, some IO speed improvements",
"Introduced quitif(bool, const char* pattern, ...) which delegates to quitf() in case of first argument is true",
"Introduced guard against missed quitf() in checker or readEof() in validators",
"Supported readStrictReal/readStrictDouble - to use in validators to check strictly float numbers",
"Supported registerInteraction(argc, argv)",
"Print checker message to the stderr instead of stdout",
"Supported TResult _points to output calculated score, use quitp(...) functions",
"Fixed to be compilable on Mac",
"PC_BASE_EXIT_CODE=50 in case of defined TESTSYS",
"Fixed issues 19-21, added __attribute__ format printf",
"Some bug fixes",
"ouf.readInt(1, 100) and similar calls return WA",
"Modified random_t to avoid integer overflow",
"Truncated checker output [patch by Stepan Gatilov]",
"Renamed class random -> class random_t",
"Supported name parameter for read-and-validation methods, like readInt(1, 2, \"n\")",
"Fixed bug in readDouble()",
"Improved ensuref(), fixed nextLine to work in case of EOF, added startTest()",
"Supported \"partially correct\", example: quitf(_pc(13), \"result=%d\", result)",
"Added shuffle(begin, end), use it instead of random_shuffle(begin, end)",
"Added readLine(const string& ptrn), fixed the logic of readLine() in the validation mode",
"Package extended with samples of generators and validators",
"Written the documentation for classes and public methods in testlib.h",
"Implemented random routine to support generators, use registerGen() to switch it on",
"Implemented strict mode to validate tests, use registerValidation() to switch it on",
"Now ncmp.cpp and wcmp.cpp are return WA if answer is suffix or prefix of the output",
"Added InStream::readLong() and removed InStream::readLongint()",
"Now no footer added to each report by default (use directive FOOTER to switch on)",
"Now every checker has a name, use setName(const char* format, ...) to set it",
"Now it is compatible with TTS (by Kittens Computing)",
"Added \'ensure(condition, message = \"\")\' feature, it works like assert()",
"Fixed compatibility with MS C++ 7.1",
"Added footer with exit code information",
"Added compatibility with EJUDGE (compile with EJUDGE directive)",
"Added compatibility with Contester (compile with CONTESTER directive)"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* Overrides random() for Borland C++. */
#define random __random_deprecated
#undef random