Базы данных (Б8203а, осень 2017) / std.testlib.h.0.3.3

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std.testlib.h.0.3.3: testlib_0_3_3/testlib.h

* Copyright (c) 2005
* Version 0.3.3
* Mike Mirzayanov, last revision: 28.01.2006
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
/* NOTE: This file contains testlib library for C++.
* Program, using testlib running format:
* check.exe [ [-appes]], * * If result file is specified it will contain results. */ #ifndef _TESTLIB_H_ #define _TESTLIB_H_ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __WIN32__ #include #else #define WORD unsigned short #endif #define ABS(f) ((f) < 0 ? -(f) : (f)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (2097152) #define LF (char)10 #define CR (char)13 #define TAB (char)9 #define SPACE (char)' ' #define EOFCHAR (EOF) #define EOFREMAP SPACE #define NUMBERBEFORE LF, CR, SPACE, TAB, EOFCHAR #define NUMBERAFTER LF, CR, TAB, EOFCHAR #define LINEAFTER LF, CR, EOFCHAR #define BLANKS LF, CR, SPACE, TAB #define EOLNCHAR LF, CR, EOFCHAR #ifndef EJUDGE #define OK_EXIT_CODE 0 #define WA_EXIT_CODE 1 #define PE_EXIT_CODE 2 #define FAIL_EXIT_CODE 3 #define DIRT_EXIT_CODE 4 #else #define OK_EXIT_CODE 0 #define WA_EXIT_CODE 5 #define PE_EXIT_CODE 4 #define FAIL_EXIT_CODE 6 #define DIRT_EXIT_CODE 6 #endif inline bool isEofChar(char c) { return (c == EOFCHAR); } inline bool isEofRemap(char c) { return (c == EOFREMAP); } inline bool isNumberBefore(char c) { return (c == LF || c == CR || c == SPACE || c == TAB); } inline bool isNumberAfter(char c) { return (c == LF || c == CR || c == SPACE || c == TAB || c == EOFCHAR || c == (char)26); } inline bool isLineAfter(char c) { return (c == LF || c == CR || c == EOFCHAR || c == (char)26); } inline bool isBlanks(char c) { return (c == LF || c == CR || c == SPACE || c == TAB); } inline bool isEolnChar(char c) { return (c == LF || c == CR || c == EOFCHAR || c == (char)26); } struct TCharSet { unsigned int data[64]; void insert(char c) { int pc = (int)c; data[pc >> 3] |= (1 << (pc & 7)); } bool count(char c) { unsigned int pc = (unsigned char)c; return (data[pc >> 3] & (1 << (pc & 7))) != 0; } void clear() { memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); } TCharSet() { clear(); } TCharSet(char c0) { clear(); insert(c0); } TCharSet(char c0, char c1) { clear(); insert(c0); insert(c1); } TCharSet(char c0, char c1, char c2) { clear(); insert(c0); insert(c1); insert(c2); } TCharSet(char c0, char c1, char c2, char c3) { clear(); insert(c0); insert(c1); insert(c2); insert(c3); } TCharSet(char c0, char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4) { clear(); insert(c0); insert(c1); insert(c2); insert(c3); insert(c4); } }; enum TMode { _input, _output, _answer }; enum TResult { _ok, _wa, _pe, _fail, _dirt }; const std::string outcomes[] = {"accepted", "wrong-answer", "presentation-error", "fail", "fail"}; struct InStream { InStream(); std::FILE * file; std::string name; TMode mode; bool opened; void init(std::string fileName, TMode mode); char curChar(); void skipChar(); char nextChar(); void reset(); bool eof(); bool seekEof(); bool eoln(); bool seekEoln(); void nextLine(); void skip(TCharSet setof); std::string readWord(TCharSet before, TCharSet after); std::string readWord(); int readLongint(); int readInteger(); int readInt(); double readReal(); double readDouble(); std::string readString(); void quit(TResult result, const char * msg); void quits(TResult result, std::string msg); void close(); const static WORD LightGray = 0x07; const static WORD LightRed = 0x0c; const static WORD LightCyan = 0x0b; const static WORD LightGreen = 0x0a; static void textColor(WORD color); static void quitscr(WORD color, const char * msg); static void quitscrS(WORD color, std::string msg); void xmlSafeWrite(std::FILE * file, const char * msg); }; InStream inf; InStream ouf; InStream ans; bool appesMode; std::string resultName; /* implementation */ InStream::InStream() { file = NULL; name = ""; mode = _input; } int resultExitCode(TResult r) { if (r == _ok) return OK_EXIT_CODE; if (r == _wa) return WA_EXIT_CODE; if (r == _pe) return PE_EXIT_CODE; if (r == _fail) return FAIL_EXIT_CODE; if (r == _dirt) return DIRT_EXIT_CODE; return FAIL_EXIT_CODE; } void InStream::textColor(WORD color) { #ifdef __WIN32__ HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, color); #endif } void InStream::quit(TResult result, const char * msg) { if (mode != _output && result != _fail) quits(_fail, std::string(msg) + " (" + name + ")"); std::FILE * resultFile; std::string errorName; if (result == _ok) { if (!ouf.seekEof()) quit(_dirt, "Extra information in the output file"); } switch (result) { case _fail: errorName = "FAIL "; quitscrS(LightRed, errorName); break; case _dirt: errorName = "wrong output format "; quitscrS(LightCyan, errorName); result = _pe; break; case _pe: errorName = "wrong output format "; quitscrS(LightRed, errorName); break; case _ok: errorName = "ok "; quitscrS(LightGreen, errorName); break; case _wa: errorName = "wrong answer "; quitscrS(LightRed, errorName); break; default: quit(_fail, "What is the code ??? "); } if (resultName != "") { resultFile = std::fopen(resultName.c_str(), "w"); if (resultFile == NULL) quit(_fail, "Can not write to Result file"); if (appesMode) { fprintf(resultFile, ""); fprintf(resultFile, "", outcomes[(int)result].c_str()); xmlSafeWrite(resultFile, msg); fprintf(resultFile, "\n"); } else { /** old-style format * fprintf(resultFile, ".Testlib Result Number = %d\n", (int)result); * fprintf(resultFile, ".Result name (optional) = %s\n", errorName.c_str()); * fprintf(resultFile, ".Check Comments = %s\n", msg); */ fprintf(resultFile, "%s", msg); } if (NULL == resultFile || fclose(resultFile) != 0) quit(_fail, "Can not write to Result file"); } quitscr(LightGray, msg); std::printf("\n"); if (result == _fail) std::exit(resultExitCode(result)); if (inf.file) fclose(inf.file); if (ouf.file) fclose(ouf.file); if (ans.file) fclose(ans.file); textColor(LightGray); /* if (result == _ok) std::exit(resultExitCode(result)); */ if (resultName != "") { std::printf("See file to check exit message\n"); } std::exit(resultExitCode(result)); } void InStream::quits(TResult result, std::string msg) { InStream::quit(result, msg.c_str()); } void InStream::xmlSafeWrite(std::FILE * file, const char * msg) { size_t lmsg = strlen(msg); for (size_t i = 0; i < lmsg; i++) { if (msg[i] == '&') { fprintf(file, "%s", "&"); continue; } if (msg[i] == '<') { fprintf(file, "%s", "<"); continue; } if (msg[i] == '>') { fprintf(file, "%s", ">"); continue; } if (msg[i] == '"') { fprintf(file, "%s", """); continue; } if (0 <= msg[i] && msg[i] <= 31) { fprintf(file, "%c", '.'); continue; } fprintf(file, "%c", msg[i]); } } void InStream::quitscrS(WORD color, std::string msg) { quitscr(color, msg.c_str()); } void InStream::quitscr(WORD color, const char * msg) { if (resultName == "") { textColor(color); std::printf("%s", msg); textColor(LightGray); } } void InStream::reset() { if (opened) close(); if (NULL == (file = std::fopen(name.c_str(), "r"))) { if (mode == _output) quits(_pe, std::string("File not found: \"") + name + "\""); } opened = true; } void InStream::init(std::string fileName, TMode mode) { opened = false; name = fileName; this->mode = mode; reset(); } char InStream::curChar() { char c = (char)getc(file); ungetc(c, file); return c; } char InStream::nextChar() { return (char)getc(file); } void InStream::skipChar() { getc(file); } std::string InStream::readWord(TCharSet before, TCharSet after) { char cur; while (before.count(cur = (char)getc(file)) == 1); if (cur == EOFCHAR && !after.count(cur)) { quit(_pe, "Unexpected end of file"); } std::string result = ""; while (!(after.count(cur) || cur == EOFCHAR)) { result += cur; cur = (char)getc(file); } ungetc(cur, file); return result; } std::string InStream::readWord() { return readWord(TCharSet(BLANKS), TCharSet(BLANKS)); } int InStream::readInteger() { char cur; while (isNumberBefore(cur = (char)getc(file))); if (cur == EOFCHAR) quit(_pe, "Unexpected end of file - integer expected"); ungetc(cur, file); int retval; if (fscanf(file, "%d", &retval) != 1) // todo: show insted-of quit(_pe, "Expected integer"); return retval; } int InStream::readLongint() { return readInteger(); } int InStream::readInt() { return readInteger(); } double InStream::readReal() { if (seekEof()) quit(_pe, "Unexpected end of file - double expected"); double retval; if (fscanf(file, "%lf", &retval) != 1) // todo: show insted-of quit(_pe, "Expected double"); return retval; } double InStream::readDouble() { return readReal(); } void InStream::skip(TCharSet setof) { char cur; while (setof.count(cur = (char)getc(file)) == 1); ungetc(cur, file); } bool InStream::eof() { return (NULL == file || feof(file) != 0); } bool InStream::seekEof() { if (NULL == file) return true; char cur; while (isBlanks(cur = (char)getc(file))); ungetc(cur, file); return (NULL == file || feof(file) != 0 || cur == EOF); } bool InStream::eoln() { if (NULL == file) return true; char c = curChar(); return isEolnChar(c); } bool InStream::seekEoln() { if (NULL == file) return true; char cur; do { cur = (char)getc(file); } while (cur == SPACE || cur == TAB); ungetc(cur, file); return isEolnChar(cur); } void InStream::nextLine() { if (NULL == file) return; char cur; while (!isEolnChar(cur = (char)getc(file))); if (cur == CR) { cur = (char)getc(file); if (cur != LF) ungetc(cur, file); } else { if (cur != LF) ungetc(cur, file); } } std::string InStream::readString() { if (NULL == file) quit(_pe, "Expected line"); std::string retval = ""; char cur; while (!isEolnChar(cur = (char)getc(file))) retval += cur; if (cur == CR) { cur = (char)getc(file); if (cur != LF) ungetc(cur, file); } else { if (cur != LF) ungetc(cur, file); } return retval; } void InStream::close() { if (opened) fclose(file); opened = false; } void quit(TResult result, std::string msg) { ouf.quit(result, msg.c_str()); } void quit(TResult result, char * msg) { ouf.quit(result, msg); } void quitf(TResult result, char * format, ...) { char * buffer = new char [OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); std::vsprintf(buffer, format, ap); va_end(ap); std::string output(buffer); delete[] buffer; quit(result, output); } void registerTestlibCmd(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (sizeof(int) != 4) quit(_fail, "'testlib' unit assumes 'sizeof(integer) = 4'"); if (argc < 4 || argc > 6) quit(_fail, std::string("Program must be run with the following arguments: ") + " [ [<-xml>]]"); if (argc == 4) { resultName = ""; appesMode = false; } if (argc == 5) { resultName = argv[4]; appesMode = false; } if (argc == 6) { if (strcmp("-appes", argv[5]) != 0 && strcmp("-xml", argv[5]) != 0) { quit(_fail, std::string("Program must be run with the following arguments: ") + " [ [<-xml>]]"); } else { resultName = argv[4]; appesMode = true; } } inf.init(argv[1], _input); ouf.init(argv[2], _output); ans.init(argv[3], _answer); } void registerTestlib(int argc, ...) { if (argc < 3 || argc > 5) quit(_fail, std::string("Program must be run with the following arguments: ") + " [ [<-xml>]]"); char ** argv = new char*[argc + 1]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, argc); argv[0] = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argv[i + 1] = va_arg(ap, char *); } va_end(ap); registerTestlibCmd(argc + 1, argv); delete[] argv; } inline bool isNaN(double r) { return ((r != r) == true) && ((r == r) == false) && ((1.0 > r) == false) && ((1.0 < r) == false); } inline bool isInfinite(double r) { return (r > 1E100 || r < -1E100); } bool doubleCompare(double expected, double result, double MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR) { if(isNaN(expected)) { return isNaN(result); } else if(isInfinite(expected)) { if(expected > 0) { return result > 0 && isInfinite(result); } else { return result < 0 && isInfinite(result); } } else if(isNaN(result) || isInfinite(result)) { return false; } else if(ABS(result - expected) < MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR) { return true; } else { double minv = MIN(expected * (1.0 - MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR), expected * (1.0 + MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR)); double maxv = MAX(expected * (1.0 - MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR), expected * (1.0 + MAX_DOUBLE_ERROR)); return result > minv && result < maxv; } } #endif
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