import sys from json import loads ERR_OK = 0 ERR_WA = 1 ERR_PE = 2 ERR_UH = 3 with open(sys.argv[3], 'r') as fans, open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as fout: eans = int(fans.readline()) eout = int(fout.readline()) if eout != ERR_OK: print(; exit(eout) lans = loads( lout = loads( if lout != lans: if lout and len(lout[0]) != len(lans[0]): print('Incorrect number of columns!') exit(ERR_WA) if len(lout) > len(lans): print('Too many rows in output!') exit(ERR_WA) if len(lout) < len(lans): print('Too few rows in output!') exit(ERR_WA) #Data checking: hans = set(tuple(it) for it in lans) hout = set(tuple(it) for it in lout) if hout == hans: print('List is not sorted!') else: print('Row mismatch!') for rans, rout in zip(sorted(hans - hout), sorted(hout - hans)): print('ans:', rans) print('out:', rout) print() exit(ERR_WA) exit(ERR_OK)