import sqlite3 import sys from json import dumps ERR_OK = 0 ERR_WA = 1 ERR_PE = 2 ERR_UH = 3 with ( sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as con, open("test.sql") as sql, open("test.log", "w") as log): try: with open("00.sql") as common_sql: con.executescript( except OSError: pass con.executescript( try: with open("query.sql") as fquery: query = except OSError: query = None try: with open("solve.sql", 'r') as fid: sql = except: log.write(str(ERR_PE) + '\n') log.write('File with query couldn\'t be read!') exit(0) try: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('pragma foreign_keys = on') if query is not None: cur.execute('pragma query_only = off') cur.executescript(sql) cur.execute(query) else: cur.execute('pragma query_only = on') cur.execute(sql) except (sqlite3.Warning, sqlite3.Error) as e: if type(e) in (sqlite3.ProgrammingError, sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.Warning): log.write(str(ERR_PE) + '\n') log.write(str(e)) exit(0) print(e, file = sys.stderr) exit(-1) log.write(str(ERR_OK) + '\n') ans = dumps(cur.fetchall()) print(ans, file=log)