import os import sys import json import codecs import inspect from io import StringIO class MyException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value class Coord: def __init__(self, x, y, dir = ''): self.x = x self.y = y self.dir = dir translateDirs = { 'U': 'up', 'D': 'down', 'L': 'left', 'R': 'right' } def nextDirect(direct, curDir): if direct == 'forward': if curDir == 'up': return Coord(0, -1, 'up') if curDir == 'down': return Coord(0, 1, 'down') if curDir == 'left': return Coord(-1, 0, 'left') if curDir == 'right': return Coord(1, 0, 'right') if curDir == 'wait': return Coord(0, 0, 'forward') if direct == 'left': if curDir == 'up': return Coord(0, 0, 'left') if curDir == 'down': return Coord(0, 0, 'right') if curDir == 'left': return Coord(0, 0, 'down') if curDir == 'right': return Coord(0, 0, 'up') if curDir == 'wait': return Coord(-1, 0, 'left') if direct == 'right': if curDir == 'up': return Coord(0, 0, 'right') if curDir == 'down': return Coord(0, 0, 'left') if curDir == 'left': return Coord(0, 0, 'up') if curDir == 'right': return Coord(0, 0, 'down') if curDir == 'wait': return Coord(1, 0, 'right') if direct == 'wait': if curDir == 'up': return Coord(0, 0, 'up') if curDir == 'down': return Coord(0, 0, 'down') if curDir == 'left': return Coord(0, 0, 'left') if curDir == 'right': return Coord(0, 0, 'right') if curDir == 'wait': return Coord(0, 0, 'wait') if direct == 'behind': if curDir == 'up': return Coord(0, 1, 'up') if curDir == 'down': return Coord(0, -1, 'down') if curDir == 'left': return Coord(1, 0, 'left') if curDir == 'right': return Coord(-1, 0, 'right') if curDir == 'wait': return Coord(0, 0, 'forward') raise MyException('Invalid direction') class Path: def __init__(self, dir, x, y, initCnt): self.dir = dir self.x = x self.y = y self.initCnt = initCnt self.cnt = 0 class Cell: def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0, zIndex = 1, points = 0, dLife = 0): self.x = x self.y = y self.zIndex = zIndex self.points = points self.dLife = dLife class Monster(Cell): def __init__(self, monster): Cell.__init__(self) try: self.path = [] path = monster['path'] self.x = path[0]['x'] self.y = path[0]['y'] self.zIndex = monster['zIndex'] if 'zIndex' in monster else 0 self.points = 0 self.dLife = 0 self.looped = monster['looped'] self.die = monster['die'] for p in path: self.path.append(Path(p['dir'], p['x'], p['y'], p['initCnt'])) self.index = 0 except: raise MyException('Invalid monster format') def tryNextStep(self): dir = self.path[self.index].dir x1 = self.x y1 = self.y c = Coord(0, 0) if self.index == len(self.path) - 1 and self.path[self.index].cnt == self.path[self.index].initCnt: if not self.looped: return Coord(self.x, self.y) x1 = self.path[0].x y1 = self.path[0].y dir = self.path[0].dir elif self.path[self.index].cnt == self.path[self.index].initCnt: dir = self.path[self.index + 1].dir c = nextDirect('forward', translateDirs[dir]) global curState if not curState.field[y1 + c.y][x1 + c.x].isWall: x1 += c.x y1 += c.y return Coord(x1, y1) def nextStep(self): c = Coord(0, 0) if self.index == len(self.path) - 1 and self.path[self.index].cnt == self.path[self.index].initCnt: if not self.looped: return self.index = 0 for p in self.path: p.cnt = 0 elif self.path[self.index].cnt == self.path[self.index].initCnt: self.index += 1 self.path[self.index].cnt = 0 c = nextDirect('forward', translateDirs[self.path[self.index].dir]) global curState if not curState.field[self.y + c.y][self.x + c.x].isWall: self.y += c.y self.x += c.x self.path[self.index].cnt += 1 class Lock(Cell): def __init__(self, x, y): try: Cell.__init__(self, x, y, 11, 0, 0) self.locked = True except: raise MyException('Invalid lock format') class Key(Cell): def __init__(self, x, y, l): try: Cell.__init__(self, x, y, 1, 0, 0) self.locks = [Lock(0, 0) for i in range(l)] self.found = False except: raise MyException('Invalid key format') class Box(Cell): def __init__(self, x, y, box): try: Cell.__init__(self, x, y, box['zIndex'] if 'zIndex' in box else 2, box['points'] if 'points' in box else 0, box['dLife'] if 'dLife' in box else 0) except: raise MyException('Invalid box format') class Prize(Cell): def __init__(self, x, y, prize): try: Cell.__init__(self, x, y, prize['zIndex'] if 'zIndex' in prize else 2, prize['points'] if 'points' in prize else 0, prize['dLife'] if 'dLife' in prize else 0) self.found = False except: raise MyException('Invalid prize format') class FieldElem: def __init__(self, x, y, isWall): self.x = x self.y = y self.isWall = isWall self.cells = [] def mayPush(self, cell): if self.isWall: return False for c in self.cells: if c.zIndex >= cell.zIndex: return False return True def findCell(self, t): for cell in self.cells: if isinstance(cell, t): return cell class State: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.cur = Coord(0, 0) self.d = Coord(0, 0) self.arrowZIndex = 3 self.dLife = kwargs.get('dLife', 0) = kwargs.get('startLife', 0) self.pnts = kwargs.get('startPoints', 0) self.maxStep = kwargs.get('maxStep', 10000) self.maxCmdNum = kwargs.get('maxCmdNum', 10000) self.commandsFine = kwargs.get('commandsFine', 0) self.stepsFine = kwargs.get('stepsFine', 0) self.invalidDirectionFine = kwargs.get('invalidDirectionFine', 0) self.steps = 0 self.cmdNum = 0 = kwargs.get('map', []) self.specSymbols = kwargs.get('specSymbols', []) self.keys = kwargs.get('keys', []) self.locks = kwargs.get('locks', []) self.movingElements = kwargs.get('movingElements', []) self.sol = kwargs.get('sol', '') self.dead = False self.curMap = [] self.field = [] self.monsters = [] self.prizesLeft = 0 self.usedFunc ={'forward':[], 'left':[], 'right':[], 'wait':[]} for i in range(len( self.curMap.append([]) self.field.append([]) for j in range(len([i])): obj = Cell() self.curMap[i].append([i][j]) self.field[i].append(FieldElem(j, i, self.curMap[i][j] == '#')) if self.curMap[i][j] == 'R' or self.curMap[i][j] == 'U' or self.curMap[i][j] == 'D' or self.curMap[i][j] == 'L': self.cur = Coord(j, i, translateDirs[self.curMap[i][j]]) for k in range(len(self.specSymbols)): if self.curMap[i][j] == self.specSymbols[k]['symbol']: obj = Prize(j, i, self.specSymbols[k]) if self.specSymbols[k]['action'] == 'eat' else Box(j, i, self.specSymbols[k]) if isinstance(obj, Prize): self.prizesLeft += 1 self.field[i][j].cells.append(obj) for k in range(len(self.movingElements)): obj = Monster(self.movingElements[k]) self.field[obj.y][obj.x].cells.append(obj) self.monsters.append(obj) for k in range(len(self.keys)): key = Key(self.keys[k]['x'], self.keys[k]['y'], len(self.locks[k])) self.field[key.y][key.x].cells.append(key) for j in range(len(self.locks[k])): lock = Lock(self.locks[k][j]['x'], self.locks[k][j]['y']) key.locks[j] = lock self.field[lock.y][lock.x].cells.append(lock) def overrun(self, x, y): return (x >= len(self.field[0]) or x < 0 or y >= len(self.field) or y < 0); def getFieldElem(self, dir): newDir = nextDirect(dir, self.cur.dir); cX = self.cur.x + newDir.x; cY = self.cur.y + newDir.y; if dir != 'forward' and dir != 'behind': cX += nextDirect('forward', newDir.dir).x; cY += nextDirect('forward', newDir.dir).y; return None if self.overrun(cX, cY) else self.field[cY][cX]; global curState def swap(arr, i, j): t = arr[i] arr[i] = arr[j] arr[j] = t def sort(arr): for i in range(len(arr) - 1, -1, -1): for j in range(i): if arr[j].zIndex < arr[j + 1].zIndex: swap(arr, j, j + 1) def nextStep(direct): global curState st_1 = inspect.currentframe().f_back st_2 = inspect.getframeinfo(st_1.f_back) st_1 = inspect.getframeinfo(st_1) if st_2[1] not in curState.usedFunc[st_1[2]]: curState.cmdNum += 1 curState.usedFunc[st_1[2]].append(st_2[1]) result = True c = nextDirect(direct, curState.cur.dir) dx = c.x dy = c.y #curState.cur.dir = c.dir += curState.dLife c_x = curState.cur.x + dx c_y = curState.cur.y + dy changeCoord = True if not(c_x < 0 or c_x >= len(curState.field[0]) or c_y < 0 or c_y >= len(curState.field)): elem = curState.field[c_y][c_x] if elem.isWall: changeCoord = False sort(elem.cells) for cell in elem.cells: if cell.x != c_x or cell.y != c_y: continue if isinstance(cell, Lock) and cell.locked: changeCoord = False break if isinstance(cell, Monster): curState.dead = True raise MyException('Killed by a monster') if isinstance(cell, Box): tx = c_x + dx ty = c_y + dy f = tx < 0 or tx >= len(curState.field[0]) or ty < 0 or ty >= len(curState.field) if not f: el1 = curState.field[ty][tx] if el1.mayPush(cell): elem.cells.remove(cell) cell.x = tx cell.y = ty el1.cells.append(cell) curState.pnts += cell.points += cell.dLife continue else: changeCoord = False else: changeCoord = False if isinstance(cell, Prize) and not cell.found: cell.found = True curState.pnts += cell.points += cell.dLife elem.cells.remove(cell) curState.prizesLeft -= 1 continue if isinstance(cell, Key) and not cell.found: cell.found = True if hasattr(cell, 'locks'): for lock in cell.locks: lock.locked = False lock.zIndex = 0 elem.cells.remove(cell) continue else: changeCoord = False if changeCoord: curState.cur.x = c_x curState.cur.y = c_y curState.cur.dir = c.dir else: curState.pnts -= curState.invalidDirectionFine for monster in curState.monsters: c1 = monster.tryNextStep() if (curState.field[c1.y][c1.x].mayPush(monster)): if c1.y == curState.cur.y and c1.x == curState.cur.x: curState.dead = True raise MyException('Killed by a monster') curState.field[monster.y][monster.x].cells.remove(monster) monster.nextStep() curState.field[monster.y][monster.x].cells.append(monster); else: monster.path[monster.index].cnt += 1 if == 0: curState.dead = True raise MyException('Dead') if curState.steps + 1 > curState.maxStep: curState.dead = True raise MyException('Too many steps') if curState.cmdNum >= curState.maxCmdNum: curState.dead = True raise MyException('Too many commands') curState.steps += 1 def forward(cnt = 1): for i in range(int(cnt)): nextStep('forward') def left(cnt = 1): for i in range(int(cnt)): nextStep('left') def right(cnt = 1): for i in range(int(cnt)): nextStep('right') def wait(cnt = 1): for i in range(int(cnt)): nextStep('wait') def objectPosition(object, direction): dir = '' if direction == 'atTheLeft': dir = 'left' elif direction == 'atTheRight': dir = 'right' elif direction == 'inFrontOf': dir = 'forward' elif direction == 'behind': dir = 'behind' else: return False cell = curState.getFieldElem(dir) if cell == None: return object == 'border' if cell.isWall: return object == 'wall' if object == 'prize': return cell.findCell(Prize) != None if object == 'box': return cell.findCell(Box) != None if object == 'monster': return cell.findCell(Monster) != None if object == 'lock': return cell.findCell(Lock) != None if object == 'key': return cell.findCell(Key) != None if object == 'cell': return len(cell.cells) == 0 return False def isCompleted(): return curState.prizesLeft <= 0 def solve(): error = None try: oldstdout = sys.stdout f = open('problem.json', 'r') s = problem = json.loads(s) f.close() if not 'map' in problem: raise MyException('Map is undefined') if 'keys' in problem: if 'locks' not in problem: raise MyException("Keys are defined, but locks cells aren't defined") if len(problem['keys']) != len(problem['locks']): raise MyException("Keys and locks length aren't equal") global curState curState = State(**problem) sol ='output.txt', 'r', 'utf-8').read() redirected_output = sys.stdout = StringIO() exec(sol, { 'forward': forward, 'left': left, 'right': right, 'wait': wait, 'objectPosition': objectPosition, 'isCompleted': isCompleted, }) sys.stdout = oldstdout except: error = sys.exc_info() sys.stdout = oldstdout if error: print(error[1]) print(redirected_output.getvalue()) return 1 else: print(curState.pnts - curState.stepsFine * curState.steps - curState.commandsFine * curState.cmdNum) print(curState.prizesLeft) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(solve())