Learning automation system

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time since start: 8919 d. 02:25
page last updated: 02.06.2024 02:25
Welcome to the learning automation system

Upcoming events

CODE work Challenge 2024: Основной тур (Пробный)
02.06.2024 13:30
time until start: 11:05
CODE work Challenge 2024: Основной тур
02.06.2024 14:00
time until start: 11:35

Active judging computers: 2 / 12.

Submissions queued for evaluation: 33.

Total number of problems: 2711.

To access all available features, you need to create an account.

After loggin in, you will be able to:
Documentation is available, including problem format and spawner module.
You can report errors or suggestions using issue tracker or by email: Maintainer's email

Far Eastern Federal University